Cost of Therapy
Psychotherapy is often seen as an investment. The majority of people look to private therapy because they do not want to continue feeling the way they do and the NHS and other charities have far too long a waiting list.
The two primary options are funding it yourself or by using an insurance policy you may have privately or through your work. It is always worth asking your work’s human resources department what employee assistance programme policy they have as Quest Psychology Services can accept payment from a number of them as explained below.
Why Pay For Private Counselling?
By seeing a psychologist privately there are a number of benefits.
This includes:
- Not having to wait for up to 18 months, which is the standard NHS waiting time
- Not having your mental health difficulties go on your medical records (unless your or someone else’s safety is deemed at a significant risk)
- Choosing the therapist you wish to see, rather than them being assigned to you
- Having more say in what type of therapy you would like to have
- Having as many sessions as is appropriate rather than being constrained by the limits imposed by services
The first step is to contact your insurer and begin the process. They will give you a membership number and a either a budget or number of sessions that they will fund. Once I have the confirmation email and membership number I can set you on our books to bill them directly and you can start therapy.
Book A Session or Find Out More
You can see all our available times for psychology sessions by going to our bookings page, or by giving us a call.